
Legal Guide (Page 12)

Can You Sue for Emotional Distress after a Car Accident?

Car accidents are dangerous accidents that put victims in harm’s way, but they can also be terrifying events that cause their victims to suffer extreme emotional distress. If you have been injured in such a car accident (that was caused by the negligence of the other driver), you may be able to recover on your full scope of damages – including your emotional distress – but you’re well advised to have an experienced Tampa car accident attorney in your... ❯❯❯

Can You Receive Compensation for Vaping-Related Injury?

To date, vaping is linked to almost 50 deaths and more than 2,000 cases of lung injuries throughout the country. Most incidents affected adults and teens, with only a small number of older adults reporting issues. As e-cigarettes continue to gain popularity, we can expect to see more people suffering injuries connected to vaping and potentially more lawsuits. Vaping Injury Lawsuits Lawsuits range from claims that e-cigarettes lead to addiction to damage... ❯❯❯

How Much is a Back Injury Worth in a Car Accident Settlement?

There's a lot to deal with in the aftermath of a car accident — especially one that has left you with a devastating back injury.  Between filing a claim with your insurance company, assessing the damage to your car, getting the medical care you need, and having to miss work, it's nearly impossible not to stress about the financial aspects of your unfortunate situation. All you want to know now is how much money your case is worth so you can plan... ❯❯❯

Car Accident Settlements: Average Payouts, Expectations, and FAQs

A car accident settlement is nothing more than an agreement between two parties to close or "settle" a case. And yet, as simple as that may sound, the legal implications can actually be quite complicated As a car accident attorney, I can tell you that car accident settlements are among the most common cases I deal with every day in my law practice — and the average payout amounts are often the highest as well.  It makes sense. After all, there are... ❯❯❯

How Much Do Injury Lawyers Make?

How Much Do Injury Lawyers Make? There is no profession in existence joked about as much as being a lawyer. Most people's general attitude toward attorneys is something that hovers around curiosity and brushes up against hostility. To be honest, however, a lot of those feelings are brought about by jealousy; people see that lawyers make pretty good money, and they assume those gains are ill-gotten and undeserved. Though lawyers work incredibly hard, even long before they're lawyers.... ❯❯❯

Shading Light on a Personal Injury Claim

A personal injury claim is a situation where an individual claims compensation for suffering harm or loss from the person legally responsible. There are various situation that can lead to a personal injury claim, however not all injuries lead to being liabilities legally. The kinds of claims filed at jamesonlaw can be as follows. Motor Vehicle Accidents Claims resulting from car accidents are the most injury cases in most states. An accident occurs when... ❯❯❯

Reasons to Hire a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Most people will only come to appreciate the importance of hiring an attorney when they need one. The legal system can be unkind when there is no one to provide the necessary guidance. There are so many advantages of hiring an experienced attorney when you’re the victim of medical malpractice. You deserve to be compensated for the negligence caused by the doctor that has been entrusted with your health and life. Before we can delve into the advantages of... ❯❯❯

How Many Kind Of Cases Do Personal Injury Lawyers Handle?

There are several types of lawyer available all across the globe practicing in different areas of law. Though they are taught many areas of law but in the end they only practice and focus on one or two areas of law. There are lawyers that handle criminal matters, immigration matters, estate transactions, business transactions and personal injuries. When it comes to personal injuries, this term covers a vast variety of services and cases. They mainly cover... ❯❯❯

Importance of Preserving Evidence in Car Accident Cases

Negligence in car accidents can be difficult to prove. And proving negligence becomes all the more important if you are filing for damages. The court may ask for evidence to prove that the other driver was at fault in the accident, resulting in your injuries or losses. Not having proper evidence can derail your entire case, and you cannot get anything in compensation. This is where preserving any evidence from the day becomes important.  Proof of... ❯❯❯

What Should I Consider Before Choosing A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Personal injury claims cover a wide range of situations and accident types. Maybe one slipped and fell while at work, or perhaps one might be involved in a car accident or possibly bitten by their neighbor’s dog. These types of injuries are severe, and one should consult a personal injury law firm. They provide you with the best personal injury lawyer around to help you get done with your case. But there are few things to keep in mind before you choose... ❯❯❯

4 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

4 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury LawyerYou will probably not find any personal injury lawyer shortage if you try to locate one. There are so many personal injury lawyers because people often like to get litigious and sue an individual or entity if something befalls them. However, that doesn’t mean they are wrong to do so. Many reasons exist why you’d want to seek out a personal injury attorney. There are all types of things that can happen to you in the world, and many times, what took place... ❯❯❯

Child Custody Issues During Divorce in Florida

Before checking the best child custody attorneys in Florida, Here is a quick fact about child custody and the court system. Pretty much common sense but sometimes overlooked. Everything you say in court is recorded, every affidavit, every argument in a motion, every exhibit submitted becomes part of the court record. There are exceptions, of course, juvenile proceedings, which are closed by law, and some cases can be sealed by judge’s order to protect... ❯❯❯

How Can I Prove My Lost Wages?

If you have been involved in an accident on the road or anywhere else, you could sustain severe injuries that may keep you from working. Being out and away from work means you don’t get paid for the time you have missed. Depending on the type of accident and the severity of the injuries, you may be away from work for a very long time and this poses the question of how to recoup the amount lost. Recouping the amount you could have earned in the absence of... ❯❯❯

Do I Need a Police Report After a Car Accident?

Do I Need a Police Report After a Car Accident?If you're involved in a car accident, you'll have to get a police report in most cases. Some states require you to file a police report if the damages from the car wreck are $500 or greater, or the accident resulted in physical injury or death. The Purpose of Police Reports It is important to file a report after a serious accident. Ideally, you should contact the police immediately after the wreck. The police will rush to the scene of the accident and... ❯❯❯

How to Choose the Best Motorcycle Crash Attorney

Did you know that around 5,000 people are involved in motorcycle-related deaths every year? As much as the numbers might not be as high as car accident cases, such accidents are usually more fatal and result in casualties. If you’ve recently been involved in a motorcycle accident, it is important that you’re reaching out to an experienced motorcycle accident attorney in Colorado Springs to help out with your case. It could be a confusing moment when... ❯❯❯

Does Having a Lawyer Help With Disability?

If you have a disability or condition that prevents you from having a job and you want to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), it's a good idea to hire a lawyer to assist you with your application. If you've been denied for these benefits before, having an attorney on your side can increase your chances of approval. According to a U.S. Government Accountability Office study, individuals who hired an... ❯❯❯

Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer: How to Find a Good One

If you have been injured in an accident, you may be frightened and in pain from your injuries. You may not know how you will financially support your family if you cannot work. You may be considering a personal injury lawyer, but you aren’t sure how to find a good one. These tips can help you choose the right lawyer for your case. Personal Injury Experience The legal industry has become very specialized, and not every lawyer is well-versed in personal... ❯❯❯

When Is the Trucking Company At Fault for an Accident?

When Is the Trucking Company At Fault for an Accident?Truck accidents are particularly serious because of the huge mass involved in the vehicles and the catastrophic damage that just one truck can cause on the road. If you’ve been hit by a truck, you may be able to sue the trucking company for damages under a number of circumstances. However, it depends in large part on the company’s relationship to the driver and exactly why the accident occured. The lurking danger of trucks on the road Being a truck... ❯❯❯

How Can Traumatic Brain Injury Affect a Person’s Life?

Traumatic brain injury is usually caused by a violent blow or sudden jolt to the head, such as a car accident or a fall. You can also suffer a traumatic brain injury if something penetrates your brain tissue, like a bullet or a piece of your skull after an injury. A traumatic brain injury can range from mild, which may be temporary, to severe, which may include bruising, bleeding, and torn tissues. A severe traumatic brain injury can have long-term... ❯❯❯

How Much Can Personal Injury Victims Receive after a Car Accident?

How Much Can Personal Injury Victims Receive after a Car Accident?Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been less cars on the road. With fewer people driving, those who are still driving are driving faster than usual. Faster driving leads to more accidents and an increase in fatalities. If you’ve been in an accident that you weren’t at fault for, you’re likely entitled to compensation for your property as well as emotional and physical damages. Luckily, after you have been in an accident you have a... ❯❯❯

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