
McQuarrie Hunter – Auto Injuries and the ICBC

An injury as a result of a car accident can be devastating, and even when the injury is not life-changing in terms of creating a permanent impairment or producing chronic pain, the ongoing psychological injuries can be very difficult to manage moving forward. In British Columbia, accident victims can receive compensation for their injuries through the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC). However, it may be the case that the compensation offered by the ICBC is not adequate or must be challenged through legal means. For that reason, if you are injured in a car accident in BC, be sure to immediately contact the expert team at to be sure that your rights to compensation are protected.

What is the ICBC?

The ICBC is a provincial auto insurance scheme that is required to support accident claims regardless of the fault of the victim. This means that even if you were at fault in causing the accident, you are still entitled to compensation for medical expenses and rehabilitation costs. If you were not at fault, you will also receive medical compensation and potentially a settlement from the other driver.

What sorts of benefits am I entitled to?

If you are injured in a car accident caused by another driver, you may be entitled to settlement payments that include things like medical expenses beyond the basic accident coverage, lost wages, and also an amount for pain and suffering. If you are the victim of a hit and run accident, you may be eligible for up to $200,000.

Why do I need a lawyer?

Because the ICBC is a no-fault system, you will receive compensation for injuries whether you caused the accident or it was caused by someone else. However, certain forms of compensation, for example amounts for pain and suffering and lost wages, are only available if you were injured in an accident caused by another person. For this reason, you may need legal assistance to help determine the liability of the other person – especially if the other person is disputing their responsibility, it will become necessary to investigate the circumstances of the accident and make the demonstration of fault on the part of the other driver.

A lawyer’s assistance may also be required to accurately determine the impact that the injuries may have on your ability to earn income immediately after the accident and moving forward. This is not necessarily straight-forward. Similarly, your lawyer can advocate for you in setting compensation appropriate to the level of pain and suffering that you have endured and may continue to endure as a result of the accident. A lawyer can work with medical professionals and other experts to secure a fair settlement from ICBC.

For these reasons, even though the ICBC will provide compensation to all accident victims, your ability to obtain additional compensation for the injuries suffered in accidents caused by other people – perhaps through negligence, driving under the influence, or reckless behavior – cannot be taken for granted. Be sure to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after an injury so that your rights can be fully protected.

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