
Criminal Defense Lawyer: Common Mistakes to Avoid When Charged with a Crime

Being charged with a crime is a frightening experience that can have serious, long-lasting legal, personal, and financial consequences. Whether it’s a minor misdemeanor offense or a more serious felony charge, your actions immediately after being questioned or arrested can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

Unfortunately, many individuals make mistakes that worsen their situation and make it harder for their criminal defense attorney to effectively represent them. Enter Combs Waterkotte. Our experienced legal team fully understands that good people can find themselves in bad situations. Call an expert criminal defense attorney now at (314) 497-4395 to schedule a confidential case review where you can discuss the specifics of your case and get guidance on next steps.

Some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Talking to Law Enforcement Without a Lawyer

One of the most critical mistakes individuals make after being charged with a crime is speaking to the police without legal representation. Law enforcement officers may appear friendly or even empathetic, but their primary goal is to gather evidence to use against you. Anything you say, even if you believe you are helping yourself or others, can be twisted and used in court to build a case against you.

Under the Fifth Amendment, you have the right to remain silent and avoid self-incrimination. Invoke this right and ask for a lawyer as soon as you’re arrested. Never feel pressured to answer any questions. Your attorney will do so.

  • Posting on Social Media

In today’s digital age, it’s common for individuals to share details of their lives online and on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and the like. However, when facing criminal charges, it’s crucial to remember that anything you post can be used as evidence against you. Even seemingly innocent statements or photos can be taken out of context.

Avoid posting anything about your case, your emotions, or your whereabouts during your case. Also, refrain from discussing the case with friends or family online, as these conversations could be subpoenaed.

  • Missing Court Dates or Failing to Follow Court Instructions

Missing a scheduled court date or failing to comply with court instructions can lead to serious consequences, including the issuance of a warrant for your arrest. Courts have strict timelines and procedures and it’s essential to follow them carefully.

Your Combs Waterkotte defense lawyer will help keep you informed of important dates, legal obligations, and deadlines related to your case. Make sure you attend all scheduled court appearances and adhere to any conditions of release, like avoiding specific individuals or locations.

  • Ignoring the Importance of Legal Representation

Another substantial mistake many individuals make is not hiring a competent criminal defense attorney quickly enough or trying to handle the situation without help. You might think you can explain yourself or that the charges are minor enough, but judges don’t take too kindly to that line of thinking and criminal cases can be incredibly complex. Plus, even minor charges can have relatively major consequences.

A skilled Combs Waterkotte defense lawyer can help you understand the charges, explain the potential penalties, and create a strategy to challenge the evidence against you. If you wait too long to hire a lawyer, you might miss opportunities to gather critical evidence, file motions, or negotiate better terms for your case.

  • Making Emotional Decisions

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed and emotional when charged with a crime, no matter the severity. Anger, fear, and frustration can cloud your judgment, leading to rash decisions that could harm your defense. This could include impulsively accepting a plea deal without understanding the full consequences or arguing with law enforcement or court officials.

Instead, it’s important to take a calm, measured approach to your case. Trust your defense attorney to guide you through the process and ensure that every decision is made with your best interests in mind.

  • Failing to Preserve Evidence or Witness Statements

In criminal cases, time is of the essence when it comes to preserving evidence and gathering witness statements. If you delay contacting a lawyer or fail to recognize the importance of specific details, key evidence could be lost, destroyed, or become less reliable over time.

The Combs Waterkotte legal team will work quickly to identify potential witnesses, secure surveillance footage, and collect any physical evidence that can be used in your defense. If you have information or leads that may help your case, be sure to share them with your lawyer as soon as possible.

  • Assuming Guilt is Inevitable

Being charged with a crime doesn’t mean you're guilty. In fact, with a skilled criminal defense attorney by your side, guilt becomes far less likely. Too often, individuals assume that a conviction is inevitable and fail to pursue all possible avenues of defense. However, many factors can affect the outcome of a case, including procedural errors, unreliable evidence, or witness credibility issues.

A Combs Waterkotte defense attorney will explore every possible defense strategy, whether it involves proving your innocence, negotiating a favorable plea agreement, or having your charges dismissed. Don’t lose hope or give up before exploring every legal option available.

Being charged with a crime is a serious matter, but making the right decisions early on can significantly impact the outcome of your case. The first correct choice is to call Combs Waterkotte as soon as possible at (314) 900-HELP for a free case review. Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney is one of the most important steps you can take when facing criminal charges.

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